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Barefoot Missions Newsletters

February 2023 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I pray this year is full of wonder and joy for you, no matter what circumstances happen in the times we live.


So many amazing things happened on our trip to Costa Rica in November. There were many healings, deaf ears opened, restored relationships, deliverance, and freedom. The worship was like nothing I've ever experienced.  During the conference the worship kept building each night. It seemed as if we would pick up where we left the night before until it grew to a crescendo of manifested glory the final night. We saw people freely worship in ways they've never dared to worship. Services where spontaneous worship broke out and people didn't want it to end and didn't want to leave.  People coming in off the streets of a gang controlled neighborhood to receive healing.


In 1995, when God first called me to nations, I had a vision of me telling a beautiful little brown girl that Jesus loves her 3 times.  During one of the services in Costa Rica last year, Dr. Joshua Todd called all the children to the stage for the team to pray for them.  As I was praying for one of the children, I felt the Lord impressing on me to tell her He loves her.  I felt it so strongly I found myself repeating it, three times.  As soon as I finished praying, I remembered the vision from 28 years ago and instantly recognized the child I was praying for was the one in the vision.  Over the following days, I began to realize my connection with Panama started in and continues through Costa Rica.  It was a wonderful reminder to me of what He’s called me to and the assignments He’s given me.


This year I believe God is saying it’s time to go back to Panama.  I have an opportunity to serve with YWAM in Boquete, Panama on a two week mission trip in April.  I also have an opportunity to go back to Costa Rica to help with a leadership conference in June.


I need a team of intercessors and financial partners to complete these missions, so I am asking you to be part of my team for these international ministry outreaches!  I am asking you to agree to pray with me for these trips, and to pray especially during the trips for the power of God to be released in lives of the people, as we serve, help, and pray for them.


So, I am asking you to help me raise $2,000. You can give $50, $100, $250, even $500, any amount will help.  I need $2,000 to make these international ministry trips happen.  Can I count on you to be a partner with me?


There is some urgency and immediate need because of the nature of international travel, airline, and accommodation reservations so I need you to respond as quickly as possible.  Part of the training for me is this process of praying in the finances needed!


Thank you for helping me in prayer and giving.  Thank you for believing in my calling and leadership.  This is my time!


To partner financially, click the donate button below and select the Barefoot Missions option in the “To” field.  If you prefer to send a check, you may mail it to: Joshua Todd Ministries PO Box 65112, Attn: Barefoot Missions Fund, Orange Park, FL 32065.  Please write Barefoot Missions Fund in the Memo section of the check so we will know it is for these trips.


In Christ’s Love,


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